My debut release,The Mark of Abelcame out Dec. 21, 2012. The week before, I came down with shingles. That messed up all my well laid out plans. It hurts as much as you've heard. The rash appeared under my arm and made sleeping very difficult. It was hell.
The rash is gone, but every now and then I get a little zap to remind me it will always be with me. At least I can sleep again. So now it's time to let the world know about my book.
I've planned a world-wide super-duper uber virtual book tour. It took me over a week to set up and about 100 hours of going through websites and asking for reviews and/or to appear on their blog. To the right, you will see a list of the places I'm going.
It ends on Easter Sunday with the grand prize of a $50 Amazon gift card being given away. There will be smaller prizes awarded throughout the month. The more places you visit, the more entries you can accumulate. You can also win more entries by following the directions here.
I hope you enjoy the Holy Hell tour.
Places I appeared feel free to click to read interviews and fun stuff